Religion and Gods
There are dozens of churches and monastic orders. Monks, paladins, and clerics worship all sorts of deities, such as Lumen, Nox, the Ten-Eyed Trickster, and Qorag. It is believed that there are many more gods that were forgotten following The Loss.
Gods are generally fairly removed from the actions of mortals, and although they are often personified, some scholars believe that it is better to think of them as “forces” or “domains” rather than as discrete beings. Some clergy and lay folk are able to channel them for arcane purposes, but beyond that, the gods are not known to have direct interactions with the world.
Notable Churches and Religions
Congress Monastery
Congress Monastery is the largest religious organization in the world and is located adjacent to The Circle, just north of Circ. Its primary goal is discovering forgotten or lost gods and distributing clergy to ensure they are all properly worshipped.
Learn more about Congress Monastery.
The Church of Lumen (and Nox)
Lumen is a god of light and Nox is a god of darkness. Although it is technically a member of Congress Monastery, it is large enough to be considered its own entity.
Learn more about the Church of Lumen and the Church of Nox.
Derma Lodge and the Church of Qorag
Derma Lodge is one of the oldest and most venerated institutions in Mt. Renna. It includes a temple to the god of untimely death, Qorag.
Learn more about Derma Lodge and the Church of Qorag.
Indigo Abbey
Indigo Abbey is an organization that has a lot in common with Congress Monastery, at least on paper. Despite being far more isolated, it has earned a devoted following, welcoming worshippers, academics, and artisans from all edges of the Wall.
Abbot Faer Landing, pictured in front of a pre-Loss tapestry.